Victory Highlights: 2008-Present

Foreclosure Campaign 

In the wake of the foreclosure crisis from 2008-2010, VOICE delivered $300 million in principal reduction, loan modifications, and credit restoration from some of the largest banks in the country for low-income homeowners in Northern Virginia who were victims of predatory lending practices.

Mental Health

In 2022, VOICE, together with key allies, helped deliver over $30 million in public and philanthropic funding to create a desperately-needed mental health Crisis Receiving Center (CRC) in Prince William County. CRCs are brick and mortar facilities, open 24/7, that serve as humane and effective alternatives to warehousing people experiencing a mental health crisis in hospital emergency rooms or jail. The Prince William CRC will be the first of its kind in Virginia. 

Driver’s Licenses

In 2020, VOICE played a major role in eliminating Virginia’s practice of suspending people’s drivers licenses solely due to unpaid court debt. This victory helped return driving privileges to over 625,000 low-income Virginians.

Missing Middle Housing

In 2023 VOICE played a central role in helping Arlington County pass one of the most progressive zoning reforms in the nation, by allowing up to 6-unit multifamily dwellings (also known as “Missing Middle” homes) throughout the county. Previously, 75% of Arlington’s land was zoned exclusively for the most expensive type of housing–detached single family homes.

Get Out the Vote

VOICE has consistently led large-scale, nonpartisan Get Out the Vote efforts in low-voting precincts across Northern Virginia, including a 24% and 12% increase in voter turnout in two Arlington precincts during an important County Board election.

Pre-K Expansion

In 2018, VOICE won funding for over 1,000 preschool slots in the Prince William County public schools.

Affordable Housing

VOICE helped deliver $4 million from city officials in Alexandria towards a 113-unit affordable-housing development at VOICE member, Church of the Resurrection.

Athletic Fields

VOICE won $3 million for modern high school athletic fields in south Fairfax County.

Dental Care

VOICE won restoration of $6 million to the Virginia budget, without which 30,000-50,000 low-income adults would have been deprived of dental care.

VOICE Victory Statements

2021 Victoriesvictories
2020 Victoriesvictories
2019 Victoriesvictories
2018 Victoriesvictories
2017 Victoriesvictories
2016 Victoriesvictories
2014 Victories (Espanol)victories
2014 Victoriesvictories